Want to Say Goodbye to ED? PRP Therapy May Be the Answer

If you are experiencing the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, or ED, PRP therapy may be the answer. Here at Male Medical Group, we have a variety of treatment options for patients to choose from, and we stand ready to help you determine which treatment is best for your situation.

Do You Have ED?

Occasionally having difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection does not necessarily mean that you have ED. Changes to your erections or sex drive can happen throughout your life and for various reasons. In comparison, erectile dysfunction is a chronic condition that may be associated with certain symptoms, such as:

  • Difficulty maintaining an erection
  • Trouble getting an erection
  • Reduced libido or sexual desire

What Causes ED?

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by many factors, such as medications, medical conditions, and changes to the tissues of the penis. PRP therapy is recommended for many men who experience ED due to the natural aging process.

Penile tissues break down in the same way that tissues on your face and body break down. As we age, our bodies produce less beneficial substances. As this relates to ED, your penile tissue breaks down too fast compared to what is generated by your body.

Treating ED with PRP Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy has been used in the medical community for decades. Researchers discovered that the concentration of platelets in PRP stimulates cell development and regeneration in various types of tissues. Treating ED with PRP therapy capitalizes on this same mechanism. PRP is made from your own blood, making it an all-natural treatment option.

Schedule a Consultation

PRP therapy is an advanced treatment for men who experience erectile dysfunction. To learn more about treating ED with PRP therapy and find out if you are a candidate for the treatment, reach out to Male Medical Group and schedule a consultation in San Antonio. Contact us today to make an appointment!

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